
Posts by admin

Strategy books and business: on war or at war?

By Jan-Willem Boots Nearly 200 years ago Carl von Clausewitz wrote that war is the continuation of politics by other means, and that a strategy is required. Can we today make a similar statement for business? Is business the continuation of making money by other means? If we say that for business a strategy is
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Have your strategy and eat it too… or be eaten by…

In a recent paper that I found via the HBR LinkedIn group  this quote caught my attention: “…Thereality is that finance will eat strategy for breakfast any day—financial logic will overwhelm strategic imperatives—unless we can develop approaches and models that allow each discipline to bring its best attributes to cooperative investment decision making…” What is
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When do you need a great mission statement, when perhaps not?

Picture yourself having reached managing director level. You are doing well and perhaps one day you may reach CEO of the company you work for. Today the current CEO is not on his way out, but you never know and you’re part of the lineup. At some day early in the morning you get a
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Failing mission statements and why so…

Mission statements abound and are plentiful, and I think rightfully so. A mission statement is part of providing that looked for sense of mission, show of direction to the organization and all that. The question is: when you made mission statement how do you know whether it is any good? The happy news is that there
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Tja, niet eerst even nagedacht…..

Al weer een tijd geleden speelden we met onze gebruikelijke vriendenkring van Changing Games een spel. Hierin moesten de Britten (eind 19e eeuw) een dorp ontzetten waarin zich nog enkele Britten bevonden die belaagd werden door de lokale bevolking. De Britten hadden een groot technisch overwicht, veel betere vuurwapens en waren ook zeker goed in
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The case for serious games in business: games that enable change

Feb 6, 2015 Gamification is hot! Serious games seem to be the way of the future. The classic classroom and textbook based linear learning system we still suffer today will be a thing of the past tomorrow. No more classrooms, no more textbooks, no more boring stuff… Or is it? At Changing Games we too
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Ja, maar dat is toch duidelijk!

Ja, maar dat is toch duidelijk!

In deze blog een paar levenslessen opgedaan tijdens een wargame met mijn vrienden. Onze vriendengroep van een man of twaalf was bij elkaar gekomen om de oorlog in Noord Afrika in de Tweede Wereldoorlog na te spelen. We werden verdeeld in twee groepen. De ene groep uiteraard de Geallieerden en de andere groep de As-mogendheden.
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