
Why a strategy must be CARL

      How often have you seen a new strategy being presented that painted a great vision of the future full of opportunities just waiting to be captured, and a few months down the line ending up as a PowerPoint file tucked away in internal servers and inboxes? There are many how-to-do-strategy books, papers, blogs,
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D-Day: the importance of improvisation

“Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth”.  Mike Tyson, theman who made this statement, knew what he was talking about. He knocked out 44 of his 56 opponents. Most within three rounds. On that stormy early morning of June 6,1944 the men of the 29th and 1st Infantry Divisions in their landing
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Business wargaming and today’s reality

    Today the AIV (Adviesraad Internationale Vraagstukken) an independent advisory body to the Dutch governement) stated that NATO is ill prepared, or even incapable, to defend the Baltic states in case of a Russian takeover ( Without going into the details of how they have come to this, what triggers me is the overall
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High Hanging Fruits

  The picture above I took in the early this morning. I went outside and noted a small black dot in my view looking at the blue sky. My first thought was a fly of some sort. This part of the year there a many of these pesky creatures buzzing around in my backyard. But
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Strategy and its contact with reality.

Engeland heeft ons ten tweeden male getrakteerd op een politiek drama dat zijn weerga niet kent. Voor de tweede keer verheft een premier een verkiezing tot centraal middel (i.t.t. een doel) van zijn/haar politieke strategie. Voor de tweede keer krijgt deze premier de backfire vol in het gezicht. Het begon met David Cameron die het
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Why playing chess is bad for business

In preparing business people for strategy the game of chess is seen as a perfect tool. I can see why that is. I also think it is unjustified. In chess you need to consider every move you make in reference to your overall plan, as in real life business. You also need to look at
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Do you know a good mission statement when you see one?

I think many will agree that most companies have, or perhaps I should say make use of, mission statements. I also think that many will agree that most of those mission statements… are missing the point. There are two key questions. Obviously there is: what is a good mission statement? But the more important question
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Gamification of Red Teaming

Whatever you may think of all the developments we see in the world around us, one thing now tops the list of certainties by far: the level of uncertainty has gone up, big time… All the experts told that Poetin would not dare to take over the Crimea. All the experts told that Brexit would
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Educational Teambuilding

Most businesses want teams. Teams are great because they do what they do much better than groups. That is the idea. I agree with this. In fact, I firmly believe in the forming-storming-norming-performing principle because I’ve been there myself… several times. The most fragile and risky part of this are the storming and norming phases.
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Geen Brexit chaos na gaming!

De stofwolken van het Brexit referendum zijn nog niet neergedaald of Groot Brittannië lijkt stuurloos geraakt te zijn met behoorlijke gevolgen: leiders zijn afgetreden of moesten zich noodgedwongen terug trekken, Schotland die zich gemeld heeft in Brussel gemeld het EU lidmaatschap, grote pro-Europa demonstraties in Londen, beurzen die zakken, het waardeverlies van het pond, bedrijven
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